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Pagan Words 2.0

Writer's picture: NtandoyenkosiNtandoyenkosi

Here we will continue look closer at a few of English words, frequently repeated in the English Bibles, and trace some of their origins to determine where these actually come from and what they was used for in ancient times.

English was by no means the language, or even closely related to the languages spoken in ancient times. The English language is a mixture over time of languages such as Greek and Latin (as their base), filled to the brim with mythology and worship of a plethora of false deities. Now remembering Exodus 23:13, these are deities we should be aware of and not even mention by name.

Now, the language(s) of the true Israelites, which was Aramaic (Bantu languages) and vernacular Hebrew (eBoue), is strongly expressed in the Nguni Aramaic, from Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele, Siswati, koine Greek, etc., lastly is the language that wrote the New Testament. Which we today possess the remains of. Meaning Koine Greek is what we translate all modern New Testaments from. These languages was the vernacular (trade tongue) back in those days, today known as Bantu languages. Now it is easy to argue that the written forms of the Bible, those that has survived to us in this day and age, was both the Paleo-Hebrew and New Testament Greek (so-called Koine Greek). Now the old testament would have been written in Hebrew (not modern Arabic, today called Hebrew), but something closer to Sotho or dialects spoken in the Aram (southwest Africa) areas. Also Latin, the language of the Romans, have played a central part in the shaping of the English language. Listen now, languages change and adapt, but you will find their core often stays the same with the people living in the region where the dialect or particular language prevail. These core Bantu languages was the original language of Christ and the writers of the New Testament, only they also spoke Greek, which would has sounded something like Portuguese to modern ears. Still it is also a Bantu language.

Let us start with a familiar one, as everyone uses this term as it is some sort of obligatory title for SoNiNi, namely LORD. This name is mentioned over 7000 times in The Old Testament, but is really an English word for another named said not to be used, which in Hebrew was - Ba´al. Lord back in the day was linked to the name Ba`al (Baal), a Phoenican word/name, which often (back in the day) was fixed before towns and men, Ba`al-Hanan or Bal-Gad... Now Lord (Ba`al) was very common among the Phoenician tradesmen, but the word was also used for a master or an owner of a house (Exodus 22,7, Judges 19,22), landowners in Job 31,39, owners of cattle in Exodus 21,28 and Isaiah 1,3.

Now without getting to deep into the Ten Commandments, there most certainly is a Commandment saying (Exodus 20,7):

7 “You shall not misuse the name of the SoNiNi na NiNi, for SoNiNi will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

By this its saying, you should not bring His name to nothing... (Hebrew for nothing is "shaw" meaning vain / nothingness). So its not saying not to mention his name too much, you should seal your prayers with the name So NiNi na NiNi, its saying do not bring shame upon his name. You can bring shame upon Him by not doing his will or going around wilfully breaking his Commands. Now calling Him Lord or Baal is not His will, as those are not His name, those are titles and respectfully titles of other deities (other gods) as we shall see. The Canaanites had names for their God, it was Ba`al who was their Lord.

Now the Title LORD, a word solely derived from Old English, was a description of an aristocratic rank and or someone with a given a control over a portion of land granted by the king (land-lord). Using Lord is therefore kinda blasphemous as you invoke something else then The Ultimates real name, which is SoNiNi na NiNi. However, Ba`al (or Lord) remains the term most familiar to people along with other names worshipped by heathen nations such as Beelzebub (lord of the Flies), Baalgad (Lord of Luck) or just Gad or God for the western world, and a popular one today is Molok (the Canaanite overlord) being mentioned in the Xhosa vernacular as a form of greeting.

Now Jeremiah foretold this would happen, Jeremiah 23,25-27:

25 “I have heard what the prophets say who prophesy lies in my name. They say, ‘I had a dream! I had a dream!’
26 How long will this continue in the hearts of these lying prophets, who prophesy the delusions of their own minds?
27 They think the dreams they tell one another will make my people forget my name, just as their ancestors forgot my name through Baal worship.

And from Jeremiahs time we have gone from bad to worse. And indeed we have forgotten His name, And what is His name?

Psalm 7,17:

17 "I will give thanks to SoNiNi because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of SoNiNi Most High."

Psalm 113, 1-2:

" Praise SoNiNi. Praise SoNiNi, you his servants; praise the name of SoNiNi. "

And this one is very hard to argue the importance of knowing and calling upon His name, Joel 2,32:

32 " And everyone who calls on the name of SoNiNi na NiNi will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as SoNiNi has said, even among the survivors whom SoNiNi calls."

Now certainly without going further into the debts of why His name is SoNiNi na NiNi (as you would need to know a little bit of Zulu or Xhosa, or even Pedi), as this has been discussed in previous posts. The Scriptures above testify to the importance of knowing So NiNis true name. But users of Jehova, Yashaiya, Johve, Yahve, Yahuwah, Yashua, Yahushua etc. Will use the same arguments mind you. This research you will have to conduct yourself. Use the pagan names or the true vernacular name of what in English is called God. Another prefix we shall have an even closer look at in the next post.

Another deity that has snuck into the english daily vocabulary is HAPPY, or Hapi one of Horus four sons in ancient Egyptian religion. Hapi was the god of the flooding of the Nile, that deposited silt along the river banks allowing crops to flourish. Hapi was known as Lord of the Fish and Birds, he had an androgynous figure with a big belly and large sagging breasts, in loincloth and a false beard.

Another deity in the English language is HOLY - a Greek word derived from HALO, again from the Greek Helios, the god of the sun. We know from the Roman Catholic Church that sun worship is central to their faith along with protestant churches, bowing down to helios on Sundays. And we know that the Greek people basically copied their pantheon of gods from Egypt, and today It`s all a mix and mash of these old deities. An example of minute changes you can already see from the translation of the Septuagint (from Hebrew to Greek), where they translated the Prophet Eliyah to Helias, small changes but they only grew over the years.

Another word of etymological interest is GLORY - From the Latin Gloria which is another deity that looks very much like the Statue of Liberty or the Logo of Colombia Tristar, a Hollywood filmmakers studio. This deity has a halo or nimbus (which is more sun worship) around either the head or an object. Notice the similarities between these deities depicted with a bright halo around their heads, a halo of rays from the sun. The we have the Roman goddess FAITH - from Latin again and FIDES. the goddess of loyalty, honesty and faith. She embodies high ideals and oversaw the moral integrity of the Romans a deity closely related to Jupiter. Then comes GRACE from the Roman GRATIAE the Three Graces, again from Greek Mythology and represented the attributes of charm, beauty, nature, human activity and fertility. And then we have AMEN, from the Egyptian overlord AMEN-RA, a word that even non-english speaking people insist on putting at the end of even their prayers. Its now common to end most prayers with this seemingly agreement, mispronounced and given praise to a false god...

Now speaking of the word HOLY and then seeing all these HALOS depicted on different deities, you see how this is a clear violation of the Commandments of SoNiNi, check them up in Exodus 20,4:

“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below."

These deities, such as the ones to the left of Buddha, Vishnu and a white Christ, are images. Yet there are people in this time and age, with the audacity to call themselves Christians, and continue to bow down to images of men and women - with Greek Halos around their heads. These Halo depicted images was worshipped also in the days of Noah, and after that we call them Babylonian, Egyptian, Hindu and Buddhist, making gods of the mere mortal men. Haibo! Do not bow down to these images made by men, turn from people that worship these things. Rebuke them in all honesty and find another congregation that agree with Scripture, be joint together with people that turn away from such. Seek SoNiNi while He yet may be found.

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