Now certainly we can argue for longer periods who all of the Children of Guni (Nguni) son of Naphtali are today AND which others tribes they have indeed mixed with (but also non tribes like Samaritans, Hittites and Amorites). Be that Southern, Central or northern southern Africa, we will give our focus to Xhosa (including Pondo & Thembu), Zulu (Shaka & Shangaan), Basotho (Southern Sotho but remember Levi is also a bigger part of these southern Sothos on both sides of the Jordan most likely), then we have Swati and Ndebele. But it does truly seem as they have one head ancestor, these tribes may all be the Sons of Naphtali (Nobuhlali - my wrestling), 1 of the original 12 Tribes of The Promised Land of Abraham, Issaka and Jacobi.
Now can we back this up, If you pick up your Bible, and go to Chronicles 7,13:
13 The sons of Naphtali: Jahziel, Guni, Jezer and Shillem - the descendants of Bilhah.

In this verse, a Nguni will find his proof. Now the Ngunis has traditionally always been cattle herders, recent history will tell you that they migrated from Congo basin (from the mystical Embo) following the Zambesi River and going down into Southern Africa in the 1600s. This is most likely true, meaning they migrated at some point, However, the timelines are way off with Biblical history and needs serious revision. Meaning, if you ask the Ngunis they will tell you they have been where they are now for ages. Recent history just happens to fit well with European explorers coming with their land claims, so the Voortrekkers will just say that they came earlier or there was no people living there when they came, which is certainly 100% first class and graded A nonsense. But remember SoNiNi said He would cause a people to come, REMEMBER (khumbula!) the curses SoNiNi said would come upon His people if they left the ways of the Law and read ALL Deuteronomy 28 if you want to know why things are the way they are in the world today, its all in there... (Deuteronomy 28:49-52)
49 "SoNiNi will bring a nation against you from far away, from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand,50 a fierce-looking nation without respect for the old or pity for the young.51 They will devour the young of your livestock and the crops of your land until you are destroyed. They will leave you no grain, new wine or olive oil, nor any calves of your herds or lambs of your flocks until you are ruined.52 They will lay siege to all the cities throughout your land until the high fortified walls in which you trust fall down. They will besiege all the cities throughout the land SoNiNi is giving you."
So, go to Deuteronomy 28, and read the curses in full. You will get the answers you seek if your people is being oppressed, you can certainly ask who is oppressing? The white man....? The English... The Boers... Clearly This nation was sent by SoNiNi, to get His people back and headed home to Him once again.
Now and back to the mappings of Nugni more than likely the Sons of Naphtali migrated and moved around after Joshua had conquered the Land and the Kingdom was divided into the respective 12 Tribes, but they stayed within their borders, with a few exceptions like with whatever Shaka Zulu was really doing in his conquest and aggressive expansion, Naphtalis borders likely look like the Ngunis linguistic map we have included further down in the post.

The Ngunis can be divided into the southern Tribe of the Eastern Cape are Xhosa, Pondo & Thembu. With the northern Tribes as Zulu, Swati and Ndebele), Sothos are kinda in the middle of all this, but that is a different story. Today you can find Ngunis is South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Namibia, Mozambique and Eswatini. We see then that Largest concentration of Naphtali therefore, will be in the areas that are still speaking one of the Nguni languages and focused on cattle and pasture lifestyle, just like their father Abraham. And this includes most of Southern Africa.
If we take the language of the Zulus (iziZulu) it is simply a part of the so-called Bantu Languages, interestingly (and this is quoted from textbooks) who's origin is lost in oral tradition that precedes recorded history. You got that right at least!

The spread of Nguni Languages on the right, are NOW concentrated in Zululand and Xhosaland (but off course they did not originate nor did they stop there). The Zulus are an interesting bunch, the people of Heaven are these days mostly associated as the image of a warrior nation with rawhide shields and Assagai spears. And parts of their intricate customs goes like this (as they do have many customs and traditions) when a traveler goes on a journey he must spit on a stone and throw it to the isivane (good luck stone) to enable the spirits to bring good fortune for the road ahead (although this custom will have different variations among the different sub groups and clans). And before entering a village a guest must identify himself by shouting the traditional greeting uku-khuleka, meaning the guest come in peace not war. Now with beliefs like these, even engrained in the Zulu language, you very soon after entering the village get to understand the spiritual hierarchy that is setup to bow down to the local witchdoctor or Sangoma, as being the actual chief in the village. Even reigning over the mind of local chief or Inkosi, telling him what his dreams mean, and supplying him with life giving and life taking herbs. Worshipping the Creation rather than the Creator, how far down have you ventured Nobuhlali son of Guni? At what time will you turn back and head the Words of your father Jacob and leave the words of bad teachings bewitching your minds ? When will you read these verses left in the Bible for you and your house especially, as it was spoken by the Prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 16,19):
19 O SoNiNi, my strength and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto Thee from the ends of the earth and shall say, “Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.”
In Nguni way of life wealth is measured in the amount of cattle (and women) you possess, for the Zulus and Xhosas it is especially the coloured Nguni cattle. The cattle is used for Lobola or Lobolo, which is the dowry or Bride Price also referenced and used in the Scriptures as a Mosaic way of life.

If you dont pay your Lobola, you might have to deal with this mean looking Malume on your left. If you manage to pay, building a shelter is next, more specific a beehive hut, without thatch and open on all sides allowing the smoke from the cooking area to get out. This ancestral hut is called Indlulu, often decorated with skulls and animal used for sacrifices, setting the tone very much for whatever blood contract that is entered with various deities. Now the most important hut in this Homestead is the grandmothers hut, she also gets one of the betters heads of cattle in the Lobola negotiations, now that is a proper pension deal and something western cultures should accept and embrace. More Zulu customs is the holding or touching of you right hand with your left, when exchanging hand shakes or when exchanging money. Women should bend their knees slightly and men should bow their heads in respect especially for an elder.
Moving on to the Xhosa from where sprung Madiba, Nelson Mandela the Hittite mixed with Xhosa (now a mix of different tribes and Samaritans/Assyrians), this man was instrumental in ending the terrible and unfathomable reign of Apartheid South Africa. But, lets not forget that he did join the white club of freemasonry... More on that later, he may have been playing the game both sides, nonetheless Mandela did great things.

Xhosas are spread mostly all over the Eastern Capes swooping hills and rugged coastlines, although in the olden days the Xhosa language or a version of it were spread all over southern Africa, as Both Daniel the Prophet and uMsindisi spoke a variant of Xhosa (Aramaic?). We know their traditions well, with painted faces, blankets, smoking pipes and beating their chest while dancing. These sons of Guni do now populate the greater parts of the Eastern Cape, the land of Xhosa, a windy place that has made their huts built a particular way because of all the wind. It takes the shape of a cross, using 3 legged cast iron pots occupying a corner, away from the wind. The floors are polished twice a week with cow dung, not because of fashion, but it keeps mosquitoes, and other creepy crawlies away from the compound.

The Ndebele heritage can actually be traced to the Zulus through their first chief, Mafana but those historical traces only go as far back as 1600s. They did settle in the Area of Gold now called Gauteng, not far from Pretoria. Modern history teaches us about the tribe being divided (Manala and Ndzundza), Manala settled in the north and Ndzundza was to be known as southern Ndebele, went towards the East and the South. Either one of these groups speaks strictly Ndebele (which is kinda like a mixture of Zulu and Xhosa).

The Sothos from the mountains of Lesotho, are not easily mistaken with their representable conical hats, colourful and warm blankets (a fashion arena really), very skilled as shepherds and horseback riders. Now King Moshoeshoe was the founder of the Basotho, as the previous article posted will attest to. We remember during the wars in the mountain sides, Moshoeshoe built many a fortresses and slowly building up the Basotho nation. After another night of viscous attacks from enemies on all sides, Moshoeshoe would thank the Light (Ke bona Lesedi) and certainly we can see now that SoNiNi gave the King his blessings to be able to withstand all the sieges of the enemy.

The Swati are another Son of Guni (again Son of Naphtali), that over time established what we know today as Eswatini (previously Swaziland). The EmaSwati are a part of the Nguni speakers and they will tell you they have been in the area for a long time. Even though some archeologist wants to place them as being from East African origin, that may be highly argumentative and sounds like another colonial half-truth in search of lands. Now King Sobhuza defeated the British (their occupants), but before the British the area was full of San and Khoisan (The Hittites and Amorites from our Scriptures). Most of the people in Eswatini Ngunis, others are Sotho, Tsonga and descendants of San. It is said whoever bows down to the two monarchs of Ingwenyama (Lion King) and Indlovukazi (Queen Mother Elephant), have come far in accepting Swazi identity. The Swati language is what you can use as the main identifier thought and it sounds, kinds sounds like a mixture of Zulu and Tsonga.
As we got closer to the end of the mapping of the line of Naphtali, there are people, again we say coming out of Babylon (The West and Americas) teaching such things such as the Ngunis (Sons of Naphtali) are illegitimate children.... Meaning they are sons and daughters of the handmaiden Billah, she was not a wife but ONLY a concubine and have not a legitimate right to claim to be of the original 12 Tribes of the Bantus. You see, ridiculousness like these sentiments is what is DIVIDING the House of the Bantus today. People teaching this shows they have not come to Christ at all. With their sins showing up and trailing in their thoughts, such things are rooted in pride and is what the Pharisees was more than full off. And boy did uMsindisi spend allot of time on the black Levite priests.... You remember those are the ones he calls you brute of vipers. He didi not even speak to the Roman procurator like that. You must understand your blood cannot be clean enough before SoNiNi, no matter how good your bloodline is. Straight from David, it does not matter, Immanuel Himself was straight from David. The only thing that matters is having been washed by SoNiNis Son, His atonement makes you clean and able to petition before SoNiNi. Can you become entangled in sin again? Yes certainly. Now Make no mistake, those who seek purity and claim to be of the Bantus, like we say, are most likely not children of the Tribes at all. There will be many imposters and preachers dishing out information from their own hatred, which is a sign of what gospel is being preached from their inner rooms.
However and AGAIN make no mistake off the fact that when SoNiNis people, People of all His true Tribes - now scattered all over the world. When THESE ONES wake up then you must remember and listen to what SoNiNi told Solomon and what will happen when SoNiNis people do come TOGETHER (2. Chronicles 7,11-16):
11 When Solomon had finished the temple of SoNiNi and the royal palace, and had succeeded in carrying out all he had in mind to do in the temple of the Lord and in his own palace, 12 SoNiNi appeared to him at night and said:
“I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a temple for sacrifices.
13 “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 16 I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there."