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Let Scripture be your Guide

Writer: NtandoyenkosiNtandoyenkosi

As the title goes, this article will be a little bit different. And actually not that long as this is written now, in real time not many days before its publishing date. Just a few days after the whole World is done celebrating the Roman Solar Calendar and the supposed birth of Christ. Thats another topic we have talked about before, and it all involves The Sabbath and the African Calendar. Because the times truly has been changed. The True Calendar we will post for 2025-2026 towards the South African Winter, coming into the New Year. So calendar aside, we did spend a lot of time researching the next post on King Hiram of Tyre and his connections to the Gold trade in East Africa, and his close ties to King David and Solomons vast African Kingdom within the borders of Southern Africa. This piece is full of sources that needed deep checking and evaluating. But we made it in the end. So we are just letting you know, that this one will be a little bit different. Its just more of a collection of thoughts and us riffing away, speaking our minds a little. No filter - Enjoy!

Now, as you all have been enjoying our contributions to the total rewrite of ancient African history, sometimes our theologies and ways of reading Scripture shine on. We would say they Shine on right through. And we are not trying to hide our beliefs, not so at all. We take pride in them, because we know The Spirit of The Oldest One that showed us these things. And guess what, He told us to go tell you. Now, we believe very much in the words we read in our Scriptures, we believe that the 10 Commandments (along with many others) should be kept to the best of ones ability. Even if you are a so-called born again Christian, you should know the Laws of Moses and do your best to keep them. Not for Him or to improve your relationship with SoNiNi (even thought it likely will if you keep it to improve you), remember you cannot please Him that way. You cannot suck up to The Most High, the Law is for your best interest. It is for you when you get lost and loose the plot. Now, getting a little ahead of ourselves, we believe it is our mission to share these beliefs with whomever is willing to listen.

We believe His Words give us direction, they are quite literally a lamp unto our feet. Without knowing the ways of The Old One, we would long since have lost our way. Every single one in this writers cabinet would have lost their way long time ago. But because We know where to go in times of trouble, we are still here. But, sadly some people have not got the faintest idea of where know where to turn. We see this on the global stage now. We would say that never before have people been in more dire need of help. In need of leadership and direction. People talk about bringing back true leaders like the kings of old, and talk like this is prevalent, especially in South Africa. And it is so, as people we do need leadership and direction, so so dearly. Then people, why not submit to the Ultimate King, instead of looking for it in human form? Now guess what, we will not find one in human flesh that can lead us like our Heavenly Father can. Granted His Son was sent to us and did walk the earth, so you could argue that He is the True King. But thats kinda the secret of the Gospel, we dont wanna spoil that for anyone who just started their walk with Christ. Still drinking milk, but getting ready for meat, getting ready for the deepening of things. The deep deep questions now, for Who is the Son of Man?

So not really knowing how to write up this article, we feel it is high time we do try to get the idea across of how important it is to - submit to Scripture. And start living our lives by His words. And keeping His days pure and without our human inflictions and corruptions. To try to serve as we should.

So starting with this Article as for education, edification and reference, we will exclusively be publishing on the Sabbath day as it comes and goes in the Promised Land. You can safely, hopefully after reading our articles (no matter how clumsy the English is or how long it is), you can go on and count 7 days for a month, until the next month starts. On the Sabbath. For we will publish on the day Of the Full Moon (and 14 days after just like we have been doing). So you will be getting two Sabbaths right.

So this article is Posted on the Second Sabbath, the Next Article will be posted on the Full Moon day, starting another Month.

Now for you that are confused. Lest go through this again. We know that when the Full Moon comes across the Sky, rising in the East as Enoch says, the Sabbaths starts a fresh the next week. So if we get the Sabbath wrong for a month, which we have done in the past when Full Moon sightings may be blocked, you will also be blessed enough to get them wrong. Then we will correct it together. More people reading the sky will result in a better track-record. But readings must only be done from the Promised Land, and more correctly from Jerusalem even. Just as the start of the year should be recorded and started at the first wave sheaf harvested around Jerusalem, The Sabbaths should be calculated from that city as well. We will try our best, SoNiNi willing to get the Feast Dates unto a PDF for you for the coming year. As many have asked, but this is as we have said very hard to get all the dates right. Especially for people living outside Africa and off the continent. This is a hard thing to follow.

Now in line with trying to keep the Sabbath without all of the modern day human interruptions, there are also A few things that need to be considered. And it is in a way to try to flesh out the keeping of the 10 Commandments. How to know when you break them, and how to try to correct it when you go astray. Because how can you heal if you did not know what was wrong with you? How can you get rid of something you do, if you do not know what it is? You need to see the sin and move away from it. But there are dark forces working against you and their tactics are nothing new.

You see the devil wears you down. Entices to sin over time. And he wishes and wants that each and every one of us fails and falls down with him. Because of outrageous jealousy, as he knows his end. He is part of the Anakims - The ones Chained By their Necks, the Nephilims - The ones who cause others to fall as they are fallen, the devil is The very Leader of the Fallen Ones. He truly does hate every single one of us, especially believers. And therefore he works his way into us breaking the 10 Commandments, knowingly or unknowingly. And listen people we all do break these every day. Some in mind and some in action. And we will get into how the devil attacks you further below. you must know people, that we can come to Umthetheleli, we can come to Christ and he will forgive you each time and set you straight again. But please people, let us not return to our previous sins, like a dog going back to lick up his own vomit. In just the same way, no matter how graphic that may seem to go back to the vomit you just let out, so do we return to our old ways.

Now when you are entices to sin, try to notice this, it will start with a simple want, as per the 10th Commandment, I shall not covet or want things. And that is where it starts folks. As simple as also wanting a new car, like your neighbour drives the car you want to have. As harsh as it might sound, you have sinned. A very small and ultimately human way of living these days of plenty and capitalism running its rampant ways, most if not all are guilty of wanting something someone else has. And that is how it starts. By one simple thought, I wish I had that thing there... You should ask yourself why, then and there, why do I want that thing? If I truly needed it SoNiNi would give it to me. So then one could say, I am not following one of the most quoted Psalms (Psalm 23, 1-4):

SoNiNi is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. 4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil,  for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Many modern day Christians has uttered those lines and felt them. But lets feel them gain, and lets go deep now. Let us try to understand how deep you can get into SoNiNi. Now, let us try to translate that, into some contemporary English (Psalm 23,1-4).

SoNiNi is my Guide, with Him in my life I want/need nothing. He relaxes me and lets men enjoy my surroundings while providing for me. He gives me life when I ask, while guiding me further along the way, all done for the Glory of showing people that I am known by Him. I Represent Him, and honour follows me. And even though I get lost and walk into the darkest of places, or even into the deep waters, I have no fear, for SoNiNi is with me, your Laws and your Words, they give me great comfort and guidance.

We went a little overboard perhaps, but please get the picture. Deepen these words, understand them, overstand them, without getting to Jamaicain Patois here, try to innerstand them - and then deepen into SoNiNi. Now if we could live by His words only, SoNiNi is my Shepherd I lack nothing (I shall not want). The world would be a better place. Oh how happy is the poor man, because he is not corrupted by his riches. If you can see the duality of these things, let SoNiNis Angels minister to you. Because happy is indeed the man that does not have to much nor does he have to little, but just enough and having the ability to enjoy it. Oh how many rich men are miserable in their lives, constantly seeking thrills and diving into the one sin eagerly jumping to the other. These ones are running from SoNiNi, and towards the devil. Do not have wanting eyes for material riches, but have wanting eyes for SoNiNis words. Covet them, and you will have riches beyond what material men can understand.

Now, If you did not come back from realising you had fell into sin, starting with the last of the 10 Commandments (Coveting), the devil then gets you going to the next sin. Which for many is lying. And this one is so prevalent today, because it has become the norm to lie. Rather then tell the truth, we give a small white lie. As it is called. A white lie, a Harmless lie. But lies begat lies, and it is literally a snowball that keeps rolling and before you know it, it reaches it biggest point and destroys something dear to you. All because of that little lie.

And it goes like this, lie about your credentials or skills in this competitive work environment we find ourselves in, you will get caught out when the task comes and you are likely to come up short. Be it 2 years or 2 weeks down the line. Then your employer is unlikely to keep you on, because, you lied. And this might be construed as a white lie, which some say are even necessary today. Your just a so wife asks does this dress make me look fat? Well, it might but should you say... Or give a dense Zen like comment make, removing the focus on her exterior facade and ask her if she is happier now or depressed? Anyways, things get complicated when opening this door. A door of giving false testimony. This becomes an art as you get older, telling the truth without breaking someones spirit. Christ was a master at this. What would he had told the woman asking if this dress makes her look fat? We will leave that one to you.

So then, these main 10 Commandments, as they come in this order: Covet, Lying, Stealing, Adultery, Murder, Honour Mother and Father, Sabbath Day, Not Calling on SoNiNi in vain or making Him look bad (bad representation), Do not make an image out of Him, and serve Only Him who brought you out of Egypt. The devil will have your break these in a rather orderly fashion. Starting at Coveting and working his way down. using his many minions and demons to make sure you do not go off the path of unrighteousness. Just as there is a righteous path there is a unrighteous one. So he uses the 10 Commandments for that, the 10 Mains Ones that he will break using you, and over time making sure you are breaking one here or two there, recycling you until you commit even greater sins. In the end you are Drowning in them. He uses SoNiNis Law against you, instead of it being for you as SoNiNi had intended. Also there are MANY other smaller Laws that people break without knowing on a daily basis, moving themselves even further away from SoNiNi, with each and every breach. So be aware of the devils strategies, how he works you. And he often works you through people that are serving him. Just as there is a Kingdom of Light there is a Kingdom of Darkness.

We would like to go on, but you get the point. Before you know it you are defending murder and renouncing your Father in Heaven. And how then, do you break this cycle of breaking SoNiNis Laws? It is by praying to Him. Asking for Him to show you the sins you are committing (a powerful prayer) and then have enough faith to pray to Him when the storm is at its worst, to come out of the sin, continuing the walk back home to Him. Ask for forgiveness, then you will be given repentance for your wrongdoings, according to SoNiNi, not according to you. There may just be hidden sins, done against the soul. But His grace is sufficient enough for any man that comes to Him. So start the walk, make the effort, make the connection. Come Home. To your Father awaiting in Heaven. Isezulwini, a new and fresh drop from Heaven.

SoNiNi unathi


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