Just as the background supplies its subtile and rural hints, giving away its location as either KwaZulu Natal or Eastern Cape even, the ancient city of Jerusalem was too said to have been surrounded by mountains. These places, described in the Bible are indeed real and all located in South-Africa. Now speculators have long thought about Umthatha, which means beloved or more correct Take him Father in Xhosa. A trait The Saviour Himself said would be the name of that particular city (Revelation 20:9). Today, this Beloved city is to be found somewheres in the Southern African interior.
You gotta understand - the city of Jerusalem was up and running years and years ago, WAY before Europeans, way before now well known Xhosa historical characters. Historical tidbits, such as those quoted The House of Phalo (1981) by Jeffrey B. Peires and other less ancient and more modern historical works, such as The South-eastern Bantu (1930), by missionary John Henderson Soga (1860-1941). These works gives no knowledge of the vastness of the empire the Xhosas, the ancient Hebrews of Israel, stretching for miles and miles of areas perfected for agricultural and livestock.
These works gives no knowledge of the vastness of the empire the Xhosas, the ancient Hebrews of Israel, stretching for miles and miles of areas perfected for agricultural and livestock. Just like Scriptures says, it is ordained. People came from far and wide to see and touch the ancient city of Jerusalem, meeting Solomon and the like - ya`ll know the stories. Rest assured, they are all true. And at some deep internal level, you know them to be true. The Xhosas was immensely rich in natural resources, gold among other things, was and still is in abundance in these African areas.
Yes, Solomon had immeasurably more wealth than the famous gold-inflation master, Mansa Musa, reported to have gotten a hold of vast volumes of Gold and then spreading it all over Egypt and northern Africa. Perhaps he visited the Gold Coast at some point, maybe took out a loan? Even better, perhaps the gold came from the gold coast? Port of Shofala has been known by many names in the past, but gold has always come from there.
Anyways, interestingly enough when thinking of how the ancient Xhosas regarded time in general, Peires actually writes something of notice in House of Phalo (Pieres, 1981:7):
"The Xhosas reckoned time by the sky. A particular hour was indicated by pointing to the sun`s position at that time. Months were calculated according to the moon. The year began in June when the Pleiades (iSilimela) singled the start of the ploughing and ended with Canopus (UCanzibe) which pointed to the harvest. "
...fair enough, what this blog has been saying for quite some time - but then comes the hint:
"---the distant past was expressed as a series of `significant events` (iziganeko), according to which a man might fix his age - a battle, a comet, a drought, a disease, a great rain, the circumcision or death of a well known chief."