The human body is a gift, a gift we need to cherish and take care of. Nowadays many people find their way to hospitals after being diagnosed with some severe illness. The truth is So NiNi can heal anyone of their infirmities if you believe or He can show you something from His creation that will help or aid whatever ails you. If you have to enter a hospital however, you need to learn som of the words used in that institution. Now then we enter the realm of the medicinal, or rather medical terminology and the more popular words, sicknesses and other phrases perhaps often overheard at the hospital.
Xhosa Medical Terminology
English isiXhosa (Xhosa)
AIDS uGawulayo
abnormal qhelekanga
antiretroviral - ichiza lokuthomalalisa ulwamvila lukagawulayo
birthweight ubunzima bosana oluzelweyo
bleeding ukopha
blood igazi
blood infection isifo esisulela igazi
breath umoya/ukuphefumla (same as Spirit)
cancersore umhlaza
care unakekelo/unonophelo
cervical umlomo wesizalo
cervical cytobrush- ibrashi yokuthatha incindi kumlomo wesizalo
child/children umntwana, abantwana
clinic/clinics ikliniki, iikliniki
clinical trial ulingo lwezonyango
consent imvume
conception ukhulelo
contraception ukhuselo lokhulelo
death ukufa
disability ubudalwa / ukukhubazeka
drug ichiza
drugs amachiza
diabetes isifo seswekile
epilepsy isifo sokuxhuzula
examination uxilongo
food ukutya
genital ilungu lesizalo
germ/germs intsholongwane / iintsholongwane
handicap ukubandezeleka ngokomzimba
heart/heart-health impilo
high blood pressure ukunyuka kwegazi
hospital isibedlele
HIV iNtsholongwane kaGawulayo / IHIV
HIV-infected wosuleleke yiNtsholongwane kaGawulayo
HIV+ uneNtsholongwane kaGawulayo
human immunodeficiency virus - intshologwane kagawulayo
I am well Ndiphilile
I am not well Andiphilanga
illness isifo
immune cell siiseli zamajoni omzimba
immune system amajoni omzimba
infant imveku
infect ukosulela
infection usuleleko
injection/injections isitofu / izitofu
information ukwazisa
informed consent imvume eyazisiweyo
medical unyango
medical research uphando-nzulu lwezonyango
medication/medications iyeza / amayeza
miscarriage ukuphuma isisu
nausea isicaphu
nurse (n)umongi / umongikazi
nurse (v)onga / ukonga
operation/operations uqhaqho / iingqaqho
oxygen umoya ophefumlwayo
participant umthathi-nxaxheba
pain iintlungu
painless alubuhlungwanga
patient isigulane
pill/pills ipilisi / iipilisi
plasma iplasma
problem ingxaki
problems iingxaki
procedures iinkqubo
protection ukhuselo
records iirekhodi
research uphando-nzulu
results iziphumo
sample isampuli / intwana
sanitation ugutyulo
sex isini
syphilis i-syphilis
study uphando / uphononongo
take blood utsalo-gazi
test/tests uvavanyo/iinvavanyo
therapy unyango
treatment unyango
twin samawele (similar to Manwele right?)
ultrasound i-ultrasound
viral load umthamo wokondela kwentsholongwane
virus intsholongwane
visit undwendwelo
weight ubunzima
womb isibeleko
Uxolo lube nani