Now, if you don't learn all the languages listed above, its okay don't fret, just learn some Xhosa and you`ll be alright. Enjoy this short summary of ordinary weekday names and Xhosa names of the year.
Xhosa Days of the Week
English isiXhosa (Xhosa)
Sunday iCawa
Monday uMvulo
Tuesday uLwesibini
Wednesday uLwesithathu
Thursday uLwesine
Friday uLwesihlanu
Saturday uMgqibelo
Xhosa Months of the Year
English Modern Xhosa - Traditional isiXhosa
January uJanyuwari - eyoMqungu
February uFebhruwari - eyoMdumba
March uMatshi - eyoKwindla
April u-Apreli - uTshazimpuzi
May uMeyi - uCanzibe
June uJuni - eyeSilimela
July uJulayi - eyeKhala
August u-Agasti - eyeThupha
September uSeptemba - eyoMsintsi
October u-Okthobha - eyeDwarha
November uNovemba - eyeNkanga
December uDisemba - eyoMnga